In the world of finance, MATLAB is a powerful tool used by quantitative researchers to run statistical inferences and backtest systematic trading strategies. In this blog post, we share the MATLAB code that has been used to study the profitability of the strategy presented in our paper “Beat the Market: An Effective Intraday Momentum Strategy for the S&P500 ETF (SPY)”.

To enhance the readability and make the code more intuitive for novice quant researchers, we intentionally avoided more complex coding procedures that may result in improved computational efficiency.

Step-by-Step Guide Through the Backtesting Process

Below, we give an overview of the main building blocks behind the backtesting procedure.

Step 1: Download Data – Learn how to get FREE access to daily, intraday, and dividend data from

Step 2: Add Key Variables – We explain how to calculate key indicators presented in the paper, such as VWAP, Move (from Open), Sigma_Open, SPY Rolling Volatility, and many others. These indicators are required to run the backtest of the strategy.

Step 3: Backtest – Dive into the actual backtesting process; create the main time series needed to conduct statistical inferences and performance evaluation.

Step 4: Study Results – We show how to plot the equity line of the trading strategy in conjunction with the passive Buy & Hold portfolio. Learn how to use historical returns time series to evaluate the profitability and risk behind the intraday momentum strategy.

Tools Needed

How to Read This Post

For each step, we will provide the full code first, then explain it step by step. If a step depends on a utility function (a function we wrote that is not built-in MATLAB), we will provide its code after the step code directly before the explanation.

Step 1: Download Data


In this step, we utilize Polygon’s API to fetch intraday, daily, and dividend data for the SPY ETF. Even though Polygon provides many financial time series for each ticker, for the sake of our backtest, we only need historical data for OHLC (open, high, low, close), Volume, Time, and Dividends.

Step 1 Code:

Click to see the MATLAB code for Step 1

spy_intra_data  = fetchPolygonData('SPY', '2022-05-09', '2024-04-22','minute');
spy_daily_data  = fetchPolygonData('SPY', '2022-05-09', '2024-04-22', 'day');
dividends       = fetchPolygonDividends('SPY');

Needed functions for Step 1:

Click to see the MATLAB code for fetchPolygonData

function stock_data = fetchPolygonData(stocksTicker, fromDate, toDate, period)
    % Fetch stock data from API

    % Validate date range
    dateFrom = datetime(fromDate, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd');
    dateTo = datetime(toDate, 'InputFormat', 'yyyy-MM-dd');
    if dateTo - dateFrom > years(2)
        error('Date range exceeds the maximum of 2 years allowed for data access.');

    % Define API key and parameters
    apiKey = 'API_KEY';
    multiplier = '1';   
    timespan = period;  % 'minute' or 'day', depending on the period parameter
    adjusted = 'false';  
    sort = 'asc';  
    limit = '50000';

    % Construct the initial URL for the Polygon API request
    baseUrl = '';
    url = sprintf('%s%s/range/%s/%s/%s/%s?adjusted=%s&sort=%s&limit=%s&apiKey=%s', ...
        baseUrl, stocksTicker, multiplier, timespan, fromDate, toDate, adjusted, sort, limit, apiKey);

    % Use webread to fetch data from the API
    options = weboptions('ContentType', 'json', 'Timeout', 12);

    % Initialize result structure
    stock_data = struct('volume', [], 'ohlc', [], 'caldt', []);

    % Paginate through data using cursors
    while true
        fprintf('Fetching data from: %s\n', url);
        data = webread(url, options);

        % Process the current page of stock data
        stockData = data.results;
        datetimeValues = arrayfun(@(x) datetime(x / 1000, 'ConvertFrom', 'posixtime', 'TimeZone', 'America/New_York'), [stockData.t]);

        if strcmp(period, 'minute')
            % Market hours filter (applied only if 'minute' resolution)
            marketStart = timeofday(datetime('09:30', 'Format', 'HH:mm'));
            marketEnd = timeofday(datetime('15:59', 'Format', 'HH:mm'));
            marketHoursFilter = timeofday(datetimeValues) >= marketStart & timeofday(datetimeValues) <= marketEnd;

            filteredVolumes = [stockData(marketHoursFilter).v]';
            filteredOHLC = [[stockData(marketHoursFilter).o]' [stockData(marketHoursFilter).h]' [stockData(marketHoursFilter).l]' [stockData(marketHoursFilter).c]'];

            stock_data.volume = [stock_data.volume; filteredVolumes];
            stock_data.ohlc = [stock_data.ohlc; filteredOHLC];
            stock_data.caldt = [stock_data.caldt; datenum(datetimeValues(marketHoursFilter))'];

            volumes = [stockData.v]';
            ohlc = [[stockData.o]' [stockData.h]' [stockData.l]' [stockData.c]'];

            stock_data.volume = [stock_data.volume; volumes];
            stock_data.ohlc = [stock_data.ohlc; ohlc];
            stock_data.caldt = [stock_data.caldt; datenum(datetimeValues)'];

        % Check if there is a next page
        if isfield(data, 'next_url') && ~isempty(data.next_url)
            url = [data.next_url '&apiKey=' apiKey];  
            break;  % Exit loop if no more pages
Click to see the MATLAB code for fetchPolygonDividends

function dividends = fetchPolygonDividends(stocksTicker)
    % Fetches dividend data from for a specified stock ticker.

    % Define API key and limit inside the function
    apiKey = 'API_KEY'; 
    limit = '1000'; % Limit for the number of records

    % Construct the initial URL for the Polygon API request
    url = sprintf('', stocksTicker, limit, apiKey);

    % Initialize the output struct 'dividends'
    dividends = struct('caldt', [], 'dividend', []);

    % Use webread to fetch data from the API with options
    options = weboptions('ContentType', 'json', 'Timeout', 12);

    % Paginate through data using next_url
    while true
        fprintf('Fetching data from: %s\n', url);
        data = webread(url, options);

        % Check if there are results and append to dividends struct
        if isfield(data, 'results')
            results = data.results;
            for i = 1:numel(results)
                caldt = datenum(results{i}.ex_dividend_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
                dividend = results{i}.cash_amount;
                dividends.caldt = [dividends.caldt; caldt];
                dividends.dividend = [dividends.dividend; dividend];

        if isfield(data, 'next_url') && ~isempty(data.next_url)
            url = [data.next_url '&apiKey=' apiKey];


To initiate the backtest, we require high-quality intraday trading data. Here, we use Polygon’s API, a reliable source for financial data that offers free access within certain limits—specifically, up to 2 years of data and 5 requests per minute. This example demonstrates how to fetch this data using custom MATLAB functions that adjust the timestamp from UTC to NY Market time (from 9:30 AM to 3:59 PM) and filter for market hours only.

After running the codes, which will take approximately 2.5 minutes, the variables will contain the following data:

Note that it will take 2.5 minutes because the function is written so that it does not exceed 5 requests per minute; with a paid option, the downloading will be almost instantaneous.

You must obtain a free API Key by registering with Polygon. Consider securely managing your API key, such as using a virtual environment variable for sensitive information.

You must obtain a free API Key by registering with Polygon. Consider securely managing your API key, such as using a virtual environment variable for sensitive information. When you get your API Key, remember to update line 12 in fetchPolygonData and line 5 in fetchPolygonDividends with the actual value of the API Key, making sure it’s a string, like “EXAMPLE_API_KEY” not EXAMPLE_API_KEY.

Efficiency Tip:

While initially fetching the data may take approximately 2.5 minutes due to API rate limits, you do not need to repeat this process every time you want to analyze the data or test your trading strategy. To save time, you can store the fetched data locally after the first download.

Click to see the MATLAB code

save('database.mat', 'spy_intra_data', 'spy_daily_data', 'dividends');
Click to see the MATLAB code for fetchPolygonDividends


1.1 Deeper look into the variables

All of the previous variables are stored in a structure, and each row is associated with the other rows by having the same index, as illustrated in the image:

Now that we have downloaded data and created the basic database, we can proceed to calculate all the technical indicators.

Step 2: Add Key Variables


In this step, we’ll dive into the calculations of various technical indicators that are crucial for running the backtest in Step 3. These metrics include VWAP, Move (from Open), Sigma_Open, SPY Rolling Volatility, and many others. Each step is broken down for clarity.

Step 2 Code:

Click to see the MATLAB code for Step 2

% Convert caldt to integer days to represent unique trading days = fix(spy_intra_data.caldt);
% Calculate and round time of day from caldt to four decimal places
spy_intra_data.tod = round(mod(spy_intra_data.caldt, 1), 4);

% Extract unique days from the data
all_days = unique(;

% Initialize new intraday variables to NaN for holding calculated values
spy_intra_data.move_open = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt)); 
spy_intra_data.vwap      = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));
spy_intra_data.spy_dvol  = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));

% Initialize array for storing daily returns of SPY
spy_return = NaN(length(all_days), 1);

% Loop through each trading day starting from the second day
for d = 2:length(all_days)
    % Indices for current day data
    idx = find( == all_days(d));
    % Indices for previous day data
    idx_y = find( == all_days(d-1));

    % Extract OHLC data for the current day
    ohlc = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx, :);
    % Extract volume data for the current day
    volume = spy_intra_data.volume(idx, :);

    % Compute the VWAP using high, low, close and volume
    spy_intra_data.vwap(idx) = v_wap(ohlc, volume);
    % Calculate absolute percentage change from the open price at 9:30 AM
    open = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx(1), 1);    
    spy_intra_data.move_open(idx) = abs(ohlc(:, 4)./open - 1);
    % Calculate daily return for SPY using closing prices of current and previous days
    spy_return(d, 1) = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx(end), 4) / spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx_y(end), 4) - 1;
    % Calculate rolling 14-day volatility of SPY returns if we have enough data
    if d > 15
        spy_intra_data.spy_dvol(idx) = std(spy_return(d-15:d-1));

% Calculate the minutes from market open at 9:30 AM
spy_intra_data.min_from_open = round((spy_intra_data.tod - 9.5 / 24) * 60 * 24, 0) + 1;

% Vector of all minutes from market open from 1 to 390
all_minutes = 1:390;

% Initialize sigma_open with NaNs for calculating rolling mean
spy_intra_data.sigma_open = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));

% Calculate rolling mean of movement from open, grouped by each minute
for m = 1:length(all_minutes)
    idx_ = find(spy_intra_data.min_from_open == all_minutes(m));
    spy_intra_data.sigma_open(idx_) = lag_TS(Rolling_Mean(spy_intra_data.move_open(idx_), 14, 'omitnan'), 1);

% Convert dividend dates to integer days for matching = fix(dividends.caldt);

% Initialize dividend data vector with zeros
spy_intra_data.dividends = zeros(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));

% Assign dividend values to corresponding trading days
for i = 1:length(dividends.caldt)
    idx = find( ==, 1);
    if ~isempty(idx)
        spy_intra_data.dividends(idx) = dividends.dividend(i);

Needed functions for Step 2:

Click to see the MATLAB code for v_wap

function y = v_wap(ohlc, volume)
    % Calculate the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) for given price data
    % Inputs:
    %   ohlc: An Nx4 matrix where columns represent open, high, low, and close prices
    %   volume: An Nx1 vector of trading volumes for each corresponding row in ohlc
    % Output:
    %   y: An Nx1 vector of VWAP values

    hlc = mean(ohlc(:,2:end), 2); % Calculate the mean of high, low, and close prices
    vol_x_hlc = volume .* hlc;    % Product of volume and average price
    y = cumsum(vol_x_hlc) ./ cumsum(volume); % Cumulative sum to calculate VWAP
Click to see the MATLAB code for Rolling_Mean

function y = Rolling_Mean(price, window, nanflag)
    % Compute the rolling mean of a time-series over a specified window
    % Inputs:
    %   price: An Nx1 vector of price data
    %   window: Scalar defining the number of observations used for the moving average
    %   nanflag: String, either 'omitnan' or 'includenan', specifying how to treat NaNs
    % Output:
    %   y: An Nx1 vector of the rolling mean values

    y = movmean(price, [window-1 0], 1, nanflag); % Calculate moving average
    y(1:window-1) = NaN; % Assign NaN to the first 'window-1' elements
Click to see the MATLAB code for lag_TS

function y = lag_TS(data, n)
    % Lag a data matrix by 'n' periods
    % Inputs:
    %   data: An NxM matrix of data
    %   n: Scalar defining the number of periods by which to lag the data
    % Output:
    %   y: An NxM matrix of lagged data

    [T, N] = size(data); % Get the dimensions of the input data matrix
    y = NaN(T, N); % Initialize the output matrix with NaNs

    if n > 0
        y((n+1):T, :) = data(1:(T-n), :); % Lag data forward by 'n' periods


2.1 Preparing Data Variables

  • Date and Time Variables:
    • This represents the trading day by fixing the date component of spy_intra_data.caldt, effectively removing the time of day portion.
    • spy_intra_data.tod: This captures the time of day by extracting the decimal part of spy_intra_data.caldt and rounding to four decimal places, representing the time in fractional days.
Click to see the MATLAB code for Data Variables

% Convert caldt to integer days to represent unique trading days = fix(spy_intra_data.caldt);
% Calculate and round time of day from caldt to four decimal places
spy_intra_data.tod = round(mod(spy_intra_data.caldt, 1), 4);
  • Unique Days:
    • all_days: A vector containing all unique days derived from, which helps in processing data day by day.
Click to see the MATLAB code for Unique Days

% Extract unique days from the data
all_days = unique(;

2.2 Initializing Variables for Metrics

Variables like spy_intra_data.move_open, spy_intra_data.vwap, and spy_intra_data.spy_dvol are initialized with NaN values for each timestamp in spy_intra_data.caldt, setting up placeholders for the calculated metrics.

Click to see the MATLAB code

% Initialize new intraday variables to NaN for holding calculated values
spy_intra_data.move_open = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt)); 
spy_intra_data.vwap = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));
spy_intra_data.spy_dvol = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));

% Initialize array for storing daily returns of SPY
spy_return = NaN(length(all_days), 1);

2.3 Calculating Daily Metrics

We loop through each trading day starting from the second day (as the first day lacks a previous day’s data for some calculations):

\[ \text{VWAP}_t = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^t P_{\text{HLC},i} \times \text{Volume}_i}{\sum_{i=1}^t \text{Volume}_i} \] \[ \text{Where } P_{\text{HLC},i} \text{ is defined as:} \] \[ P_{\text{HLC},i} = \frac{\text{High}_i + \text{Low}_i + \text{Close}_i}{3} \]
Click to see the MATLAB code for Rolling Volatility

    % Calculate daily return for SPY using closing prices of current and previous days
    spy_return(d, 1) = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx(end), 4) / spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx_y(end), 4) - 1;
    % Calculate rolling 14-day volatility of SPY returns if we have enough data
    if d > 15
        spy_intra_data.spy_dvol(idx) = std(spy_return(d-15:d-1));

To understand better the calculations of spy_return and spy_intra_data.spy_dvol, look at the next figure:

2.5 Adjusting Time Variables

Click to see the MATLAB code for Minutes from Market Open

% Calculate the minutes from market open at 9:30 AM
spy_intra_data.min_from_open = round((spy_intra_data.tod - 9.5 / 24) * 60 * 24, 0) + 1;

2.6 Calculating Intraday Rolling Metrics

Click to see the MATLAB code for Minutes from Rolling Mean Sigma

% Vector of all minutes from market open from 1 to 390
all_minutes = 1:390;

% Initialize sigma_open with NaNs for calculating rolling mean
spy_intra_data.sigma_open = NaN(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));

% Calculate rolling mean of movement from open, grouped by each minute
for m = 1:length(all_minutes)
    idx_ = find(spy_intra_data.min_from_open == all_minutes(m));
    spy_intra_data.sigma_open(idx_) = lag_TS(Rolling_Mean(spy_intra_data.move_open(idx_), 14, 'omitnan'), 1);

To understand it visually, see the following figure:

2.7 Handling Dividend Data

Click to see the MATLAB code for Dividends

% Convert dividend dates to integer days for matching = fix(dividends.caldt);

% Initialize dividend data vector with zeros
spy_intra_data.dividends = zeros(size(spy_intra_data.caldt));

% Assign dividend values to corresponding trading days
for i = 1:length(dividends.caldt)
    idx = find( ==, 1);
    if ~isempty(idx)
        spy_intra_data.dividends(idx) = dividends.dividend(i);

Now that we have included in our database all the technical variables, we are ready to run the backtest.

Step 3: Backtest


In this part, we conduct the actual backtest. This section involves defining the trading environment, including assets under management (AUM), commission costs, maximum leverage, volatility multiplier, and many others. To improve the readability of the code, we used a for loop where each iteration represents a historical trading day.

Step 3 Code:

Click to see the MATLAB code for Step 3

AUM_0              = 100000; % starting AUM

commission         = 0.0035; % commission per share
min_comm_per_order = 0.35; % minimum commission per order

band_mult       = 1; % the Volatility Multiplier as described in paper

trade_freq   = 30;

sizing_type  = "vol_target"; % Full Notional, Volatility Target
target_vol   = 0.02; % when all tranches are activated! This is very unlikely!
max_leverage = 4;

% Clear previous strategy logs
clear strat trade_log

% Initalize a structure where the strategy daily info are saved
strat.caldt         = all_days;
strat.ret           = NaN(length(all_days),1);
strat.AUM           = AUM_0*ones(length(all_days),1);
strat.ret_spy       = NaN(length(all_days),1);

% Calculate daily returns for SPY using the adjusted closing prices

spy_daily_data.ret = [NaN; diff(spy_daily_data.ohlc(:, 4)) ./ spy_daily_data.ohlc(1:end-1, 4)];

for d = 2:length(all_days) % start from day 2 as we need data from AUM(d-1)=AUM(1)
    % indexes for previous day intraday data
    idx_y      = find( == all_days(d-1));
    % indexes for today intraday data
    idx        = find( == all_days(d));
    % intraday data for today
    ohlc          = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx,:);
    vwap          = spy_intra_data.vwap(idx,:);
    min_from_open = spy_intra_data.min_from_open(idx,1);
    spx_vol       = spy_intra_data.spy_dvol(idx(1));
    open          = ohlc(1,1);
    dividend      = spy_intra_data.dividends(idx(1));

    % adjust for the dividend (a overnight gap down due to a dividend paid is not a demand/supply imbalance)
    y_close    = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx_y(end),4) - dividend; 

    if isnan(spy_intra_data.sigma_open(idx(1))); continue; end; % no data for spy_intra_data.sigma_open on the first 14 days (length of rolling window for this sigma_open formula)

    UB = max(open,y_close)*(1+band_mult*spy_intra_data.sigma_open(idx));
    LB = min(open,y_close)*(1-band_mult*spy_intra_data.sigma_open(idx));
    % at the end of each minute check if price > max ( VWAP , UB ) for
    % long, or price < min ( VWAP , LB ) for short
    signal = zeros(length(ohlc),1);
    signal(ohlc(:,4)>UB & ohlc(:,4)>vwap) = 1;
    signal(ohlc(:,4)<LB & ohlc(:,4)<vwap) = -1;

    if strcmp(sizing_type,"vol_target") % as final version in paper
        shares = round(strat.AUM(d-1)/open*min(target_vol/spx_vol,max_leverage),0);
    elseif strcmp(sizing_type,"full_notional") % as initial version in paper
        shares = round(strat.AUM(d-1)/open,0);

    % We don't trade every minute, but every "trade_freq" ( in paper is
    % 30minutes)
    idx_trade  = find(mod(min_from_open,trade_freq)==0);

    % 1. Only at hh:00 and hh:30 check the signal and report it in the exposure vector 
    % 2. Replace the NaN on all other minutes with the most recent exposure
    % computed at hh:00 and hh:30
    % 3. Lag by 1 period the exposure as the signal compute at the end of
    % minute t is used for trading t+1
    % 4. Replace NaN with 0 
    change_1m = [NaN; diff(ohlc(:,4))];

    exposure                  = NaN(length(signal),1);
    exposure(idx_trade,1)     = signal(idx_trade,1);
    exposure = fillmissing(exposure, 'previous');
    exposure                  = lag_TS(exposure,1);
    exposure(isnan(exposure)) = 0;
    trades_count          = sum(abs(diff([exposure; 0])),'omitmissing');       

    % PnL calculation
    gross_pnl          = sum(exposure.*change_1m,'omitmissing')*shares;
    commission_paid    = trades_count*max(min_comm_per_order,commission*shares);
    net_pnl            = gross_pnl - commission_paid;
    % Update strategy performance
    strat.ret(d)       = net_pnl/strat.AUM(d-1);
    strat.AUM(d)       = strat.AUM(d-1)+net_pnl;
    % Save SPY's daily return
    idx_spx    = find(spy_daily_data.caldt == all_days(d));
    if ~isempty(idx_spx)
        strat.ret_spy(d) = spy_daily_data.ret(idx_spx);



3.1 Initial Setup and Parameters

  • AUM_0 Initial assets under management set at $100,000.
  • commission and min_comm_per_order: Define the trading costs per share and the minimum commission per transaction.
Click to see the MATLAB code

AUM_0 = 100000; % Starting AUM
commission = 0.0035; % Commission per share
min_comm_per_order = 0.35; % Minimum commission per order

3.2 Trading Configuration

Click to see the MATLAB code

band_mult = 1; % Volatility band multiplier
trade_freq = 30; % Rebalancing frequency in minutes
sizing_type = "vol_target"; % Sizing method: 'vol_target'

3.3 Strategy Data Structures

Click to see the MATLAB code

strat.caldt = all_days;
strat.ret = NaN(length(all_days), 1);
strat.AUM = AUM_0 * ones(length(all_days), 1);
strat.ret_spy = NaN(length(all_days), 1);

3.4 Trading Logic

Click to see the MATLAB code

for d = 2:length(all_days)
    idx = find( == all_days(d));
    idx_y = find( == all_days(d-1));
    ohlc = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx,:);
    vwap = spy_intra_data.vwap(idx,:);
    dividend = spy_intra_data.dividends(idx(1));
    y_close = spy_intra_data.ohlc(idx_y(end), 4) - dividend;
    UB = max(ohlc(1,1), y_close) * (1 + band_mult * spy_intra_data.sigma_open(idx));
    LB = min(ohlc(1,1), y_close) * (1 - band_mult * spy_intra_data.sigma_open(idx));
    signal = zeros(length(ohlc), 1);
    signal(ohlc(:,4) > UB & ohlc(:,4) > vwap) = 1;  % Long signal
    signal(ohlc(:,4) < LB & ohlc(:,4) < vwap) = -1; % Short signal

    % Shares, Rebalancing Minutes, Exposure Next Section %

3.5 Share Sizing Decision

Click to see the MATLAB code

    if strcmp(sizing_type,"vol_target")         % as final version in paper
        shares = round(strat.AUM(d-1)/open*min(target_vol/spx_vol,max_leverage),0);
    elseif strcmp(sizing_type,"full_notional") % as initial version in paper
        shares = round(strat.AUM(d-1)/open,0);

3.6 Rebalancing Minutes

Click to see the MATLAB code

idx_trade  = find(mod(min_from_open,trade_freq)==0);

3.7 Exposure

Click to see the MATLAB code

exposure                  = NaN(length(signal),1);
exposure(idx_trade,1)     = signal(idx_trade,1);
exposure                  = fillmissing(exposure, 'previous');
exposure                  = lag_TS(exposure,1);
exposure(isnan(exposure)) = 0;
trades_count              = sum(abs(diff([exposure; 0])),'omitmissing');       

3.8 Profit and Loss Calculation

Click to see the MATLAB code

change_1m = [NaN; diff(ohlc(:,4))];
gross_pnl = sum(signal .* change_1m, 'omitmissing') * shares;
commission_paid = trades_count * max(min_comm_per_order, commission * shares);
net_pnl = gross_pnl - commission_paid;
strat.ret(d) = net_pnl / strat.AUM(d-1);
strat.AUM(d) = strat.AUM(d-1) + net_pnl;

3.9 Benchmarking

Click to see the MATLAB code

if ~isempty(idx_spx)
    strat.ret_spy(d) = spy_daily_data.ret(idx_spx);

And that’s it, our backtest is done! Now we can study the historical performance of the strategy.

Step 4: Study Results


In this section, we learn how to plot the equity lines for the active intraday momentum strategy and for the passive portfolio invested in the SPY. Moreover, we compute the main performance statistics used by investors to evaluate the efficacy of a trading strategy.

Step 4 Code:

Click to see the MATLAB code

strat.AUM_SPX = AUM_0 * cumprod(1 + strat.ret_spy, 'omitnan'); % Calculating the adjusted AUM for SPX

fig = figure();
plot(strat.caldt, strat.AUM, 'LineWidth', 2,'Color','k'), hold on
plot(strat.caldt, strat.AUM_SPX, 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color','r'), hold off
grid on; set(gca, 'GridLineStyle', ':');
datetick('x', 'mmm yy', 'keepticks'); % Keep the ticks and format them
xtickangle(90); % Rotate x-tick labels
ytickformat('$%,.0f'); % Format y-tick labels as currency
ax = gca; ax.YAxis.Exponent = 0; % Avoid scientific notation in y-axis
set(gca, 'FontSize', 8); % Adjust font size for readability
legend('Momentum', 'SPY', 'Location', 'northwest'); % Adjust legend
title('Intraday Momentum Strategy', 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontSize', 12);
subtitle(['Commission = $' num2str(commission) '/share'], 'FontSize', 9);

stats.totret = round((prod(1+strat.ret,'omitmissing')-1)*100,0);
stats.irr    = round((prod(1+strat.ret,'omitmissing')^(252/length(all_days))-1)*100,1);
stats.vol    = round(std(strat.ret,'omitmissing')*sqrt(252)*100,1);     = round(mean(strat.ret,'omitmissing')/std(strat.ret,'omitmissing')*sqrt(252),2);     = round(sum(strat.ret>0)/sum(abs(strat.ret)>0)*100,0);
stats.mdd    = round(maxdrawdown(strat.AUM)*100,0);
regr         = fitlm(strat.ret_spy,strat.ret);
coef         = regr.Coefficients.Estimate;
stats.alpha  = round(coef(1)*100*252,2);
stats.beta   = round(coef(2),2);

4.1 AUM Calculation for Active and Passive S&P 500 Exposure

  • AUM Calculation: In these lines, we compute the adjusted AUM for the active and passive investment in the SPY by multiplying the initial AUM by the cumulative product of (1 + daily returns). This accounts for compounding effects over the trading period.
Click to see the MATLAB code

strat.AUM_SPX = AUM_0 * cumprod(1 + strat.ret_spy, 'omitnan');
Click to see the MATLAB code

% AUM for a Passive S&P500 exposure
strat.AUM_SPX = AUM_0 * cumprod(1 + strat.ret_spy, 'omitnan'); % Calculating the adjusted AUM for SPX

fig = figure();
plot(strat.caldt, strat.AUM, 'LineWidth', 2,'Color','k'), hold on
plot(strat.caldt, strat.AUM_SPX, 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color','r'), hold off
grid on; set(gca, 'GridLineStyle', ':');
datetick('x', 'mmm yy', 'keepticks'); % Keep the ticks and format them
xtickangle(90); % Rotate x-tick labels
ytickformat('$%,.0f'); % Format y-tick labels as currency
ax = gca; ax.YAxis.Exponent = 0; % Avoid scientific notation in y-axis
set(gca, 'FontSize', 8); % Adjust font size for readability
legend('Momentum', 'SPY', 'Location', 'northwest'); % Adjust legend
title('Intraday Momentum Strategy', 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'FontSize', 12);
subtitle(['Commission = $' num2str(commission) '/share'], 'FontSize', 9);

The final step evaluates the overall performance of the intraday momentum strategy through key financial metrics. These statistics provide a comprehensive view of the strategy’s returns, risk, and comparison to the benchmark, helping investors understand its effectiveness and suitability for their investment goals.

Key Performance Metrics

Click to see the MATLAB code

stats.totret = round((prod(1+strat.ret,'omitmissing')-1)*100,0);
stats.irr    = round((prod(1+strat.ret,'omitmissing')^(252/length(all_days))-1)*100,1);
stats.vol    = round(std(strat.ret,'omitmissing')*sqrt(252)*100,1);     = round(mean(strat.ret,'omitmissing')/std(strat.ret,'omitmissing')*sqrt(252),2);     = round(sum(strat.ret>0)/sum(abs(strat.ret)>0)*100,0);
stats.mdd    = round(maxdrawdown(strat.AUM)*100,0);
regr         = fitlm(strat.ret_spy,strat.ret);
coef         = regr.Coefficients.Estimate;
stats.alpha  = round(coef(1)*100*252,2);
stats.beta   = round(coef(2),2);

Full Code and Final Words

You can download the full code from here and run it directly cell by cell in your MATLAB!
Remember to run cell 0 (at the bottom) to load needed functions!

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